WEC 年度会议|推动跨界合作,打造多元、公平、包容工作场所 2024 WEC Bi-Annual Executive Meeting

4月17日,WEC在慧与中国北京办公室召开了其年度高管会议,参会代表包括:康菲中国人力资源和传播副总裁周晓军,埃克森美孚化工商务 (上海) 有限公司董事长胡华玲,联邦快递中国副总裁许宝燕,联邦快递中国区销售部董事总经理张轶(线上),慧与全球副总裁兼中国区董事总经理朱海翔,慧与中国人力资源负责人Echo Li,威凯平和而德律师事务所驻北京办事处的合伙负责人莱斯特·罗斯及资深顾问刘婷婷,以及WEC团队成员,创始人吴素珍,合伙人何月萍(线上),总经理陶梦迪,运营经理眭菁,成都执行主管冉梦之(线上),商务发展顾问黄犁,以及伊维丽斯·桑切斯。

On April 17th, the Women Empowerment Council (WEC) convened its bi-annual executive meeting at the HPE China Beijing Office, drawing esteemed member representatives including Lydia Zhou, VP of HR and Communications at ConocoPhillips China; Stella Hu, Chairman of ExxonMobil Chemical Services(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Poh-Yian Koh, China Vice President at FedEx Express; Ian Zhang (Online), Managing Director, Sales & Country Lead, China Gender Pillar of FedEx; Michael Zhu, Global VP and Managing Director of China at Hewlett Packard Enterprise; Echo Li, HR Director at HPE; Lester Ross, Partner-in-Charge at Wilmer Hale Beijing, Tingting Liu, Counsel at Wilmer Hale ; and members of the WEC team, such as founder Su Cheng Harris Simpson, Partner Diane Ho (Online), General Manager Mengdi Tao, Operation Manager Sherril Su, Chengdu Executive Director Raquel Ramirez (Online), Business Development Consultant Li Huang, and Ivelis Sanchez.

会议涉及WEC 2024年重点关注的一系列议题,包括2024年女性发展论坛和2025年女性赋权奖的创新计划。此外,讨论还围绕会员活动展开,包括极速社交与小组辅导活动,科技创新女孩项目,女性包容网络倡议和集体辅导项目。值得一提的是,WEC宣布朱海翔将担任WEC上海联合主席,并欢迎冉梦之担任WEC成都分会的新执行主管。

The meeting delved into a spectrum of topics pivotal to the WEC’s focus in 2024, including innovative plans for the 2024 Women Empowerment Forum and the 2025 Women Empowerment Awards. Additionally, discussions centered around member events such as speed networking and group mentoring, the Girls in STEMM project, the Women Inclusive Network Initiative, and the Group Coaching project. Notably, WEC announced Michael Zhu as the new co-chair of the WEC Shanghai chapter and welcomed Raquel Ramirez as the new Executive Director of the WEC Chengdu chapter.


During discussions on maintaining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at the forefront of corporate agendas, Poh Yian emphasized the importance of leaders championing the value of DEI, engaging customers and employees in the journey, and empowering emerging leaders to drive progress. Michael Zhu highlighted the necessity for organizations to prioritize DEI even during challenging times, aiming to facilitate connections and proactive initiatives within the company. Lester Ross pointed out that while it may be challenging for many companies to commit to DEI initiatives, especially during times of lower profitability, it’s crucial to recognize the significant business value that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion brings to the table.


Looking towards the future, Stella Hu underscored ExxonMobil’s commitment to DEI and emphasized the value of collaborating with WEC and other companies to cultivate diverse and inclusive workplaces. Lydia Zhou expressed enthusiasm for joint efforts to expand influence across broader communities through increased event hosting and knowledge sharing. Sijie Wang emphasized the critical role of executive engagement in DEI efforts and advocated for enhanced internal communication strategies.