DEIA Best Practices Shaped Discussions at U.S. Consulate Event

On April 12, 2023, the US Shanghai Consulate invited DEI leaders to share workplace diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility best practices followed by a panel discussion moderated by Diane Ho, the partner at the Women’s Empowerment Council. Counsel General Jim Heller welcomed the participants and Deputy Chief of Mission Dave Meale shared his views on DEI to kick-start the event. 

Two of the three panelists are WEC member companies! Some key summary points follow:

Selena Chu, Vice President at Dow Greater China, noted Dow focuses on valuing individuals and building a more inclusive environment.  Women Inclusion Network (WIN), 1 of 10 ERGs established 30 years ago, has helped women around the globe share experiences, find mentors, seek professional development, and gain access to senior leadership.  As a result, Dow’s leadership representation of women at the senior level is more than 40% globally, and more than 50% in China.  Dow China was recognized by UN Women as Gender-Inclusive Workplace in 2020 & 2021 and was certified as Great Place to Work and Best Workplace for Women this year.  Additionally, the company has many initiatives to help a diverse range of employees and uses the motto ALL IN

Murray King, Vice President, Public Affairs at Shanghai Disney Resort, focused on philanthropic programs and its commitment to ensuring accessibility for all people, including those with disabilities, the elderly, and people with mental health issues. Named “MagicALL”, the programs and initiatives ensure that everyone, all guests and cast members, can enjoy their time at Disney. A key initiative and next-level accessibility is the training of their staff in sign language. Now, people with hearing disabilities can also fully enjoy their time at Disney and feel included and heard!  It was highlighted in a Disney advertisement for people with hearing disabilities: “Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.”

Julie FuChina DE&I Business Partner at Merck shared the importance of all employees being inclusive.  Merck leads various initiatives, including workshops on how to understand diversity and define it for leaders and employees. For employees that go through some hardships, there is a free psychological hotline available.  Merck localizes its DEI program and ensures any global strategies, programs, and policies driven are tailored for Chinese culture and business to ensure the intended impact. 

The participants noted they learned new insights and were keen to incorporate some of the best practices to build more inclusive and diverse workplaces at their companies and at the US Consulate. Overall, the event was a great success and helped to raise awareness of the importance of supporting DEIA.