WEC高层圆桌会议 | AI与多元、包容、平等 Beijing Executive Roundtable


The Women Empowerment Council (WEC) convened its 2024 Executive Roundtable Dinner in Beijing on April 17, fostering meaningful dialogue among executives committed to advancing gender equality. This exclusive gathering provided a platform for sharing insights, exchanging ideas, and forging partnerships to drive positive societal change. The focal point of discussion was the current market climate for AI as a tool to empower women in the workplace.


英特尔的Tony Jiang强调了在AI整合中同理心的关键作用,特别是在行政助理等人性中心职位中不可或缺。联邦快递中国的许宝燕和IBM中国的崔海霞共同呼吁关注AI偏见,以及在AI开发和决策过程中融入性别多元化。



Distinguished participants, including leaders from ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, FedEx, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Wilmer Hale Beijing, Boeing, Intel, IBM China, Microsoft and SAP Greater China, delved into AI’s disruptive influence and its potential to reshape the workforce landscape.

Acknowledging the pivotal role of empathy in AI integration, Tony Jiang of Intel emphasized the indispensability of human-centered job roles, particularly in executive assistance. Concerns were raised regarding AI bias and the imperative of gender diversity in AI development and decision-making processes, echoed by Poh-Yian Koh of FedEx China and Agnes Cui of IBM China.

Urgency was underscored in integrating AI into education to equip future generations with essential skills and prepare them for the evolving technological landscape.

Looking ahead, the upcoming Women Empowerment Forum will continue to explore how AI can effectively support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) goals within companies.